Fiction Five00-10

The Midnight Revelation

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The Earl of Cavern sat at the foot of the vast ebony hued dinning table. “My Darling! What a glorious day it is. Would you like to go for a stroll after breakfast?” He looked at his wife with anticipation.

Lady Cavern grinned as she took a morsel of the dug scone. She nodded though she was almost in a mood to say, “I’m knackered,” mimicking the Earl himself.

It had been six months since she was christened ‘Lady Cavern’ and what a propitious match it was according to all and sundry. If only it were true!


Lady Cavern yearned to have connubial bliss. But, every night as she sat on the large bed which was in the family for generations, she was bereft of conjugal love. So, she lived a life full of false jollity in a sexless marriage.

The First World War had brought about drastic changes. Still, divorces were unheard of and what would she do even if they were to be separated?


The clock struck twelve. Lady Cavern woke up with a start. She heard the sound of the doorknob and she was surprised to see Lord Cavern slipping out of the bedroom.

The same thing transpired the next day and the day after. 

So, on the fourth day, as Lord Cavern sneaked out for his nightly venture, his wife resolved to follow him.

Lady Cavern tiptoed behind her husband and a sense of thrill seeped her body as she saw him enter her dressing room.

She waited at a distance for a few minutes before curiosity got the better of her.

She slightly pushed open the door. Her jaw dropped!

In front of the floor mirror stood Lord Cavern, dressed in women’s clothes. He wore a sleek lavender- hued gown with rhinestones on the top and her favourite black hat which had golden flowers.

Lady Cavern quickly turned around and ran down the corridor, too shocked to feel anything. As she tossed and turned in her bed, her mother’s words reverberated through her distressed mind, ‘Mary, every cloud has a silver lining’.


“Good morning my darling,” Lord Cavern looked at his wife almost beseeching her to be spirited.

“My love, I have an important thing to discuss with you. I feel I ought to be involved in the management of the estate. You see, things are rapidly changing for the better. Women would soon be accorded the right to vote too.” Lady Cavern spoke as Lord Cavern’s expression fell.

 “My darling it is a spiffing idea, I must say. But, I will have to think over it.”

“Oh, you do. Now, please excuse me I got to take a nap. I couldn’t sleep at all. A ghastly nightmare haunts me every night as the clock strikes twelve? Isn’t it preposterous my love?” Lady Cavern exclaimed.

Lord Cavern looked like a petrified mouse caught in a trap.

Lady Cavern sashayed through the ostentatious hallways as she smiled from ear to ear.


Photo By: Pexels

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