
  • What is ArtoonsInn?

ArtoonsInn is a platform for Artists of various kinds to gather under one roof and communize among their kindred spirits in its various rooms.
In other words, an inn for Artoons – Artoons’ inn.

  • Who are Artoons?

Artoons are Artists who have gained a residence at ArtoonsInn via any of the Clubs within the ArtoonsInn community.

Writers and Readers’ room, Room8, is one of many rooms in ArtoonsInn, is where literary enthusiasts reside. This is where monthly writing events like, currently, Five00(In 450-500 words), UniK(In 900-1000 words) and ArTales(1500-3000 words), ArttrA(collaborative writing) and one-day writing events(150-300 words) are mainly hosted.

Other than these, Writers and Readers’ Room has Smuse(In 6-50 words) – an every day writing contest.

  • What are the clubs in Room8, the writers and readers’ room?

Currently, there are 5 clubs within the Writers and Readers’ room of ArtoonsInn.
To enter the clubs one has to be part of Room8’s Nest first.
Know about the Nest here:

  1. Claws club(writers)
  2. Wings Club(reviewers)
  3. Feathers Club(writers)
  4. Beaks Club(writers)
  5. Eyes Club(reviewers)
  • What can I do to be a member of these clubs in room8?

You can find out how to get into the clubs here:

Claws Club:

Wings Club:

Feathers Club:

Beaks Club:

Eyes Club:

  • Smuse? Five00? Artales? What are these? Where can I learn all the ArtoonsInn related keywords?

Check out the Lexinart – ArtoonsInn’s own dictionary here:

  • What are ArtoonsInn events?

Events are hosted on a regular basis at ArtoonsInn to encourage and motivate budding writers into writing better and for readers to read interesting stories.

  • Am I eligible to win in the ArtoonsInn events?

Just and fair jurors which comprise of a 4 judging panels from within the Writers and Readers’ room, who take part in judging the main events of ArtoonsInn to ensure a fair judgment during an event to pick a winner. So, everybody has a chance to win.

  • Can I send my stories to ArtoonsInn?

You can either take part in the events ArtoonsInn hosts, or you can send in stories/poems/articles/prose or any write-up you wish to share within our community to which will be shared as Guest Entries.

  • Can I become a published writer through ArtoonsInn?

ArtoonsInn has dedicated a room for publishing the best works that enter the Inn. The Room9 Publications. #aroom9p
Entries that are exclusively shared at ArtoonsInn will be handpicked and considered for publishing.

For artoons, send your entries to –
For non-artoons, send your entries to –
Our watchers are always on the lookout for publish-worthy entries from Artoons.

  • Who works behind the scenes of ArtoonsInn?

Watchers and Builders – a team of dedicated people stand watch and build up the platform respectively, working tirelessly behind the curtains to make ArtoonsInn a unique forum for Artoons.
See who they are here:

For any further queries write to

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