Senses Series

‘You live in a world where one of your five senses “turns off” on each day. Mondays, you are blind. On Tuesdays, deaf. Wednesday, you might as well eat chilies. Thursdays, you can’t smell. Fridays, there is no feeling. Saturdays are the only time they all work properly. Sundays, all shut off once.’

Write a story set in this world!

The Story must be between 1500 and 2500 words. Anything less than 1500 and over 2500 will be rejected.

The story can be Genre – Independent. You decide the genre, Right from Romance to Sci-Fi to Gorefest. Or invent your own genre

Last day for submission is 25 October 2017.

Winner will be declared on 5 November 2017.

Best story Popular will be decided by below criterion:
Any reaction – 1 point
Comment – 3 points

Only the Reactions/Comments on the original post will be considered.

There will be two Best story Critics for a change. One for the stories written by writers younger than 20 years and another one for writers over 20.

Best Story Critic will be judged by a Reviewer. Reviewer judgment is final. Original ideas will be appreciated.

Submit the stories to

There is no restriction on the story time frame, It can span over a lifetime, a year, a month, a week or a day. Put on your creative hat, pick your pen and start writing!

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