ArttrA-6 Teams & Prompts
Team InnScribe Tribe
- Sudha Ramnath (Minder)
- Sheerin Shahab
- Akshata Hegde
- Zainab M. M.
- Lavanya P
Prompt: With a bouquet of fresh lilies, your MC reached the cemetery, to place them at their spouse’s grave when he/she heard someone calling from behind, “Are these for me?”
Prompt Proposed by Team Vignettes Rioters
Team Wordsmiths Trailblazers
- Narayani V Manapadam (Minder)
- Alipi Das
- Debashree Basak
- Revathi Srinivasan
- Saravjot Hansrao
Prompt: Your MC returns from a break to find a map, some money and the photo of his/her fiancé on their desk.
Prompt Proposed by Team InnScribe Tribe
Team Vignettes Rioters
- Ratna Prabha (Minder)
- Sarita Khullar
- Preeti Preethi Warrier
- Vandana Nadar
- Suneet Madan
Prompt: The doors were closed for him/her. Your MC saw nothing but darkness and disaster in front of him/her. Drawing a deep breath, your MC firmly decided to pursue the only course open to him/her.
Prompt Proposed by Team Ink Slingers
Team Punz N’ Prosez
- Sangeetha Kamath Prabhu (Minder)
- Itali Madhusmita
- Supriya Bansal
- Mithila Peshwe
- Priya Nayak – Gole
Prompt: Your MC gets a new job at a new place in a new city. The tight-knit family running the place welcomes them with open arms…and then invites them to take part in an eerie cult ritual when they close at night. Your MC is scared but overwhelmed by curiosity. What happens next?
Prompt Proposed by Team Mystical Musings
Team Ink Slingers
- Aarthi V Karanam (Minder)
- CA Pooja Kabra
- Divya Venkateswaran
- Sheela Iyer
- Gopalakrishnan Prakash
Prompt: Weave a story where the following objects play a pivotal role – a cot and a boat.
Prompt Proposed by Team Wordsmiths Trailblazers
Team Mystical Musings
- Lakshmi Ajoy (Minder)
- Ranjit Narayanan
- Urmi Chakravorty
- Lakshmi Menon
- Malini Nair
Prompt: Base your story around any mysterious disappearance in history.
Prompt Proposed by team Punz N’ Prosez
ArttrA-6 Frequently Asked questions
- What is ArttrA?
ArttrA is a game hosted by the Watchers of ArtoonsInn at one or many rooms of ArtoonsInn.
- What is ArttrA-6?
ArttrA-6 is a game between 6 writing teams at ArtoonsInn’s Writers and Readers’ Room. Each of these teams is represented by a stellar writer who takes the role of the team leader and act as SPOC for all communication and planning. These members are referred to as ‘Minders’ of the game.
- How does it work?
Each team is allotted a prompt (which is proposed by other teams) and each member of the team pens a 2000-3000 words short story based on the same.
- How do you pick the winning team?
The winning team will be picked by adding individual scores given by the judges to each team member in a particular team. Which means, the team with the highest score is placed the winner.
Final scores of the winning team along with individual accumulated scores of a team will be shared only with the Minders. Minders are requested to refrain from sharing individual scores with their team members.
- What if I am not invited but still want to write for a particular prompt?
As the game could only allow a limited number of participants to play, it could be disappointing when one doesn’t make it to any of the teams. If you love any of the prompts, write away and publish your own story on the site. Guest entries will also have a category and are eligible for Swan cards.
ArttrA-6 Event Rules and Guidelines
- This is a team event. One submission per writer.
- Word limit: 2000-3000 words
- Please note that Endnotes/footnotes in entries will be excluded from Word count only when they stand independent of the story and act as a reference.
Examples for Endnotes that will NOT be included in word count:
Glossary, Credits, Reference links.
Examples for Endnotes that WILL be included in word count:
Epilogue, Author Notes (If the story depends on it for clarification), PostScript
- No previously published writings.
- Writers are expected to post your entries on the ArtoonsInn Writers Room website | writers.artoonsinn.com. Sign up on the website in case you haven’t already, to submit your writing. Ensure you check relevant categories (Genre/Theme/Event) that your story is most relevant to while submitting.
- Upload a non-copyrighted cover picture along with your writing (Refer www.unsplash.com). Make sure to add photographer credits at the bottom of your writing.
- Once it is approved, either the Author/Minder can share the story link in the ArtoonsInn Writers Room Facebook group with your post description and hashtags #ArtoonsInnWritersRoom #ArttrA6 #AGameOfWriters
- Submission deadline: 20th September 2022 at midnight IST. Entries submitted after the deadline will be considered as Guest entries. If a team member submits after the deadline. The rating for that story will be considered as ‘0’.
Example: If first 4 stories of ‘Team A’ get ratings of 8, 9, 7 & 10, and 5th story is submitted after deadline. The average will be (9+8+7+10+0)/5 = 6.8/10
- Winner/s will be announced on Recognition Day, 30th September 2022
- Rulfy Deadline – 28th September 2022. Rulfy is compulsory for all the participants. Follow ArtoonsInnRulfy: https://prowritersroom.com/rulfy for reviews.
- Take care of your Mental Health as much as you do of your Physical Health.
- Enjoy writing/reading ArttrA-6
Disclaimer: Your stories may be subjected to receive serious criticism.
–>Participants found guilty of plagiarism will be removed from ArtoonsInn and the same team will be disqualified from the event.
–>It is suggested that if you wish to see honest reviews on your story, you write honest reviews for other participants as well. ArtoonsInn encourages participants who support, encourage, and communicate with others in a diplomatic manner.
–>Stories written prior to the event or works previously published on any online or offline platforms are neither considered competing nor encouraged.
Cover Photo by Birmingham Museums Trust on Unsplash