Writing rules | ArttrA-1 | Hunger Games

For prompts please check your respective emails provided in the registration form.

Writing Rules:

1. Your story must have a minimum of 4000 and a maximum of 7000 words. Stage and write the story according to the given prompt.

2. The common character, Radhika Roy(RR) must be included in your story. RR’s profile must be followed. The best stories entered the event will be published as an anthology Killer e casi. Check the complete prologue of the anthology and RR’s profile here:  https://prowritersroom.com/killer-e-casi/

Note that at the winding up of your stories,
-RR cannot have died,
-RR cannot have retired after the case/story,
-RR cannot have ended up with any kind of permanent physical injuries/disabilities.

3. Only fresh stories are considered so kindly do not send your previously published stories.

4. We don’t appreciate plagiarism. Kindly refrain.

5. Multiple entries for the event are not acceptable.

6. The last date to submit your story is 17th of October by 16:00 and the results will be declared on 26th of October 2018 at 16:00. Entries submitted after the deadline will also be shared on the website (and the ArtoonsInn associated social media) but would not be included in the event.

7. Submit your stories through a word document (ONLY) to writers@prowritersroom.com. The subject of your mail should be “Entry for #ArttrAHungerGames”. Team details(Team name, team members and their short bios) must also be included in the email.

Requests from the ArtoonsInn team:

–>Participants of ArttrA and readers in the ArtoonsInn community are requested to share their opinions/reviews on stories shared.

–>Let’s make ArtoonsInn | Writers and Readers Room a community of writers and readers helping writers and readers. Kindly encourage new writers as much as your friends. Invite your friends who are writers/readers to our community.

–>Based on certain qualitative criteria, we decide an active member in the community as the “Artoon of the Month”.
For any further queries write to contact@prowritersroom.com


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