Ugh… this dust is a nuisance. Never have I had to live in such demeaning conditions. I, the epitome of literature, am reduced to such a pathetic state…
Adult Fiction Five0019 Horror Pull The Rug 2 A Date With a Stranger
He could visualize her on his bed, her body blending into the sheets, her locks spread under her on the vintage pillowcase, his gaze holding hers. With those eyes!
0 273 0January 11, 2024 -
ArttrA-6 Drama Horror Realistic Fiction Social Drama Chudail.
He clutched the idol of the Goddess tightly to his…
0 279 1September 17, 2022 -
ArttrA ArttrA-5 Horror Scarlett Storm & The Abyss
“A female detective you say?” Mrs Buford stared at me. …
0 181 0July 12, 2020 -
Drama Guest Horror The Witch on my street
We called her The Witch. She was the only witch…
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ArttrA-3 Fable Fantasy Fiction Horror Humour Watchers Pick 200 years of (Soul)itude
Tonight is the night of the blood moon. A Shaman…
0 135 0August 13, 2019 -
Five00-7 Horror Watchers Pick The Road Taken
Kallar Ghat was hardly motorable. Landslides left nearly two scores…
0 215 0August 5, 2019 -
Drama Fantasy Fiction Five00-7 Horror Watchers Pick An Arachnid Anecdote
“I love spiders…..” I spoke aloud to convince myself…
0 190 0August 5, 2019 -
Drama DrNorth Fantasy Horror Mythology Thriller Watchers Pick Dr. Gabriel North tales: The Styx Protocol
Samuel Clooney was doomed. His new book had received abysmal…
0 213 0July 10, 2019 -
Curfew Horror Suspense Watchers Pick The Strange Town
“Come in, Amara.” He gestured for me to step inside….
0 161 0October 19, 2018 -
Area 153 Series Horror Mystery Suspense Thriller Who Lives There?
The chaos on the dark streets made Francesca curious. She…
0 168 0June 20, 2018 -
Horror Paranormal Thriller Flat No. 808
Rahul and Deepa had recently shifted into the flat. After…
0 166 0August 25, 2017