I have donned and doffed many hats, some with childish…
Artales26 Drama Historical Fiction Romance Cannons and Carols
-by Sowrabha Karinje and Ratnakar Baggi 25th December 1925…
0 285 0December 25, 2023 -
ArTales Claws Club Fantasy Historical Fiction Bandia na Tine*
To the universe, I belong. Nature is me, and I am Nature. Break open the earth, break open the sky, part the winds, and part the waters…
0 174 0July 22, 2023 -
ArttrA-6 Historical Fiction Beyond The Blue Yonder
“Terrain Terrain” The speakers from Zaharie’s Simulator headphones blurted out,…
0 230 0September 20, 2022 -
ArttrA-6 Historical Fiction Behind The Gates
A young woman, ostracized by all. Will she find a safe haven behind the gates?
0 198 0September 19, 2022 -
ArttrA ArttrA-6 Historical Fiction Suspense Thriller The Vatican Veil
Where is Emanuela Orlandi?
0 301 0September 16, 2022 -
ArttrA ArttrA-6 Historical Fiction The Indomitable Leap of Faith
Prompt: Base your story around any mysterious disappearance in History.
0 213 1September 15, 2022 -
ArTales Historical Fiction Love, Hope and Destiny
It was Friday night and, after a couple of drinks…
0 216 2September 9, 2021 -
ArTales Historical Fiction THE INGLORIUOS VILLAIN
A face-off between a Jewish American & a Nazi can have only one consequence!
0 171 6August 21, 2021 -
Claws Club Historical Fiction Poor Little Regina
Poor Little Regina “Your Majesty, Doctor Freud is here.” The…
0 231 4August 10, 2021 -
ArttrA ArttrA-5 Historical Fiction Buried in his soul, the California Gold
1854, Sacramento, California, USA Ahiga stretched his hands and stood…
0 281 0July 19, 2020 -
ArttrA ArttrA-5 Historical Fiction Pride of India
Ranjan Godbole, Minister of Transport, adjusted the Gandhi cap on…
0 200 0July 19, 2020 -
ArttrA ArttrA-5 Historical Fiction The Full Circle
I woke up to find a chicken staring at me…
0 182 0July 18, 2020 -
ArttrA ArttrA-5 Historical Fiction A Voice of Awakening
Gyaneshwara, my adorable father, the most virtuoso musician the Seunas…
0 210 0July 18, 2020 -
ArttrA ArttrA-5 Historical Fiction Et Invicta
220 AD, Rome Present day He stretched his hands and…
0 206 0July 17, 2020 -
ArttrA ArttrA-5 Historical Fiction A Tryst with History
Isolde McCarthy, Research assistant, Department of History, Stanford University, CA…
0 250 0July 17, 2020