
My Dad

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He was in awe of his dad’s personality. Always a dapper; crisp shirts, matching tie and a confident gait defined him.

“My mom is such a timid and under confident lady and my dad, an absolute contrast!” he would always wonder.


“Dad, how did you make so much wealth? You must have toiled day and night, isn’t it?” The eight year old Arsh couldn’t hold his curiosity.

“Yeah son. I made this fortune myself.  It’s just my efforts that you both live such a comfortable life,” answered Dad. Arsh yet had a doubt.

“But mumma says there was something more that gave us all of these comforts. She told me that without His blessings you could not have attained this name and money,” the innocent mind was baffled.

Dad smirked, “Uhh! What rubbish.  Only weak people like your mother look upto some supreme power like God. Tell me, have you seen any such creature that comes by your side and offers you help in class or in ground?” Arsh nodded in negative way.

Dad continued, “Arsh, everything is in your hands, in your reach.  If you have money, you can literally buy everything.” The ringing of his phone interrupted so-interesting conversation.

“Dad is right. We are our own saviors and creators. I need to warn mumma; she is misled for sure.”


“No Mumma, I don’t want to visit a temple. You shall not either. So many times, I have told you that God doesn’t exist. You are being fooled by some smart and selfish people,” Arsh’s words didn’t affect his mom and she left for the temple. 

 “One day she will realize her fault.”


“Dad, I again topped in class,” said an exhilarated Arsh, now eleven year old.

“Wow! Look, I told you that just work hard and nothing in the world can stop you from achieving your goal,” said father while lighting his imported cigarette.

Mom intervened, “Son, you shall thank God as well.  Your hard work is materialized with His grace only.” Arsh preferred to chicken out before mom started off her preaching.

“When will she understand that only hard work and money are the keys to unlock everything in this world?”


Today, Arsh was a bit surprised. For the first time ever, he had seen his dad low and gloomy. He didn’t match his usual self. “Something must be terribly wrong.”

Seventeen year old was shocked to hear about his father’s illness; he was suffering from lung cancer, advanced stage.

“Dad, we shall visit abroad and show to the best of doctors. I am sure, your disease shall be cured.” After all, they were rich.

Dad didn’t answer. Mumma also wiped her tears. 

“Arsh, we are consulting world’s best doctors but my disease has advanced beyond curable stage,” he pacified him.

 “ Arsh, I am going to temple. Do you want to accompany? Dad’s words had crashed Arsh’s beliefs. He was left perplexed.


Photo By: Blake Barlow


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