Troubled and tortured woke he,
By the trace of a memory,
A drag he felt in his heart,
He struggled to remember the start
The abominable war!
Levelled every trench and tor,
He survived an apocalypse,
Hope sank in a dark eclipse.
Do I venture another stride?
What remained to see outside?
And Dante spoke in his ear,
All hope abandon, who enter here.
Survivors began to rebuild,
A stronger future they willed,
All weaknesses were forgot,
They were always a resourceful lot.
The means of living were meagre,
For immortality they were eager,
For society they care did not,
They were also the meanest lot.
Their dogma was very simple,
For those few the means were ample,
Who needed propagation,
Eternal was their duration.
And thus it happened to come by,
With females did feminity die,
A celebration of masculine splendor,
Who needs the weaker gender?
They were freed of the mortal bondage,
Could regrow or print an appendage,
They had vanquished all disease
And had ages to do as they please.
With possibilities aplenty,
They were creators cognoscenti,
A utopia their vision,
Equipped with every provision.
Their utopia materialized,
A civilization realized,
Onlookers beheld the scene rapt,
How surroundings were made to adapt.
The brotherhood thus did flourish,
Complacence and pride did nourish,
Gratification overflowed,
Patience and prudence be blowed.
For they couldn’t correct one flaw,
That governed their life’s law,
A gene in their possession,
Responsible for aggression.
There remained that one he,
Haunted by a memory,
A paradox of speaking silence,
Of frailty and resilience.
Every moment on vigil,
Looking for his Virgil,
Seek what the war had cost,
In a quest for a Paradise lost.
The shadow of more wars loomed,
Their being consequentially doomed,
Mere shades living together,
Mere shades, departed without Her.
**We appreciate your rating the story out of 10 at Writers and Readers’ Room | ArtoonsInn. This story is an entry for the one day event, HER, co – sponsored by BandCamera.
BandCamera : Here is BEER for you – A short film with 10% ALCOHOLIC content. It will surely give you a kick at the end.
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