RELIVE THE TALE (Use the hashtag #ReliveTheTale )
Whether it is the unfortunate maiden voyage of the Titanic or the brave fight in the Kargil War or the tragedy of World Trade Center on 9/11 or even the Bombay blasts of 1993. The world has seen many tragedies that have changed the face of the political, social and economic scenarios. Imagine that you are in a centre of such a tragedy or had survived the worst of it to tell the tale. Write the tale following the below rules.
1. The story should have a minimum of 2000 words and maximum of 4000 words.
2. Please submit your stories through a WORD DOCUMENT to
3. The last date to submit your story is 25th of April 2018 23:59 and the results will be declared on 6th May 2018 at 18:00. Entries submitted after the deadline will also be shared in the group but would not be included in the event.
4. Readers’ reactions/reviews on the story posts (website or on our Facebook page or in the facebook group will also be taken into consideration by noting the scores. One like or any reaction=1 point, Comment=2 points. Comments on the story posts on the website ( ) would be an added advantage.
1. Stories will be shared on our website for the public to read. By submitting your stories you are letting us post your stories on our website.
2. Winner gets a beautiful novel as a prize.
3. The best 10 stories will be published on Amazon as an anthology.
4. Stories written prior to the event or any published works are not considered for winning.
5. We don’t encourage plagiarism.
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