Aarthi stood at the edge of the terrace, gazing at the full moon. It was different, completely black; was it eclipsed ? She looked down and saw a human figure lying upside down. Commotion erupted as police tackled the crowd and reporters, while the ambulance struggled to make its way. Finally, it left with the body.
She rushed home, frightened. The house was filled with melancholy; her mother and brother wailed. Her mind panicked. What happened? Was it an accident? Had someone passed away? She approached her mom.
“Mom! What happened?” But her mom seemed oblivious. She went to her brother, but he ignored her. The ambulance arrived, and she saw her father, pale and swollen-eyed. Two men held the stretcher, placing a body draped in white cloth in the hall.
Who was that person? Her mind ran frantically. She leaned forward and froze. She saw her own face, covered in bruises. When? How? Her heart shattered seeing her parents cry profusely. Her little brother was silent, a habit he had when grief overwhelmed him. She usually consoled him, but today, he was alone.
People whispered, “Why did Aarthi jump from the terrace?” “What kind of mother was she, who couldn’t understand her child despite being a doctor?” “Was Aarthi having an affair? Was she pregnant?” Every question pierced her heart. Some eyes carried sympathy; others, hatred.
She retreated to her room, surrounded by trophies and medals. Did anything matter now? Her parents had always been proud of her but the step she had taken today, will they ever forgive her ? She had a high-profile job and was about to leave for America.
Then… the noise outside increased. “Don’t take her! She’s afraid of fire!” her mom pleaded.
Aarthi remembered the voices in her head, bothering her a lot. To be perfect and win at any cost had become her mantra. Her inner critic sabotaged her whenever she fell short. She wanted to talk to her parents, but her inner critic silenced her. She tried many times but words came to her lips and retreated. No one could notice any change as she masked her face and emotions perfectly whenever she was surrounded by people. But in loneliness, those thoughts manipulated and threatened her. She wanted to run away from them but they followed her madly.
Today, she had gone to her friend’s place to complete some office work. She went to the terrace, numb. She was completely lost in her own world and then… “Stopppp!” Aarthi came back to her senses, looking around, wondering who had called her. There was no one on the terrace or in the verandah. She stepped down, gazing at the moon, shining resplendent. Her life had come full circle; her inner voice had finally saved her.
She realized perfection was a myth. It was okay to fall, to lose and still be loved.
She took a deep breath. The storm was not completely over. She will have to take concrete steps to stay immune always.