“It is true
I was created in you.
It is also true
That you were created for me.”
Maya Angelou
Death entered suddenly and calmly snatched away my peace and joy. Some are lucky to overcome the loss and sadness quickly and enjoy in its midst, but those whose feelings are still alive and tender take time to get back to normalcy. I belonged to the latter group of people.
I wept bitterly; the news was tearing me apart. I was overcome with guilt; along with grief. My inconvenience of not being physically present next to my mother in her last days, and the pain of never meeting her anymore, tore me apart. Everything was over in a flash.
My mental and physical conditions were in a dysfunctional state from the time I received the heartbreaking news. Losing a loved person is difficult to accept. Time is the best healer, they all say, so the memories of her face, the warm smiling welcome was all I possess now, to fill in the void.
“Time and tide wait for none”, I continued with my daily routine and my busy schedules. I was getting ready for the prayer meeting; to pay my obeisance to my mother. Before leaving; I casually opened the postbox for a final checkup and was surprised to find a letter sitting comfortably inside. I took it out, and the handwritten address increased my curiosity and anxiety. I quickly tore the envelope as I walked inside the house.
Dear Sulu,
This is the last letter you’ll ever receive from me. Your father and I wanted to share this information with you but were unable to reveal it to you in person.
Long-time ago during the communal riots, we were planning to cross the border and enter India. The day before our journey, while locking the main door at night, your father found a basket lying outside. He called me and we rushed outside. There was no one around till late night to claim the child in the basket.
The next day we set out on our journey with the precious possession we received last night. We were a childless couple and were very happy to start our new life, in a new country with you. We thanked God for showering His blessings on us.
We were not your biological parents, and this was how you have become a part of our lives. We’ll never meet again, but please forgive us for concealing this information from you; for so long.
Love you always and ever.
I was overwhelmed by this shocking revelation. The truth was treasured and buried throughout my life. My happy, comfortable and shielded life has transformed forever. My existence became a complete lie. The relations have all crumbled under the boulders of lies, however sweet and beautiful it might be. This devastating news made me a nervous wreck. I contemplated my visit to the prayer meeting.
Photo By: Michelangelo
This is an entry for #TheLie #Five00-8, a room8 writing event –in 500 words.
Check out the event guidelines here: https://prowritersroom.com/room8/thelie
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